When shopping for parsnips use the same criteria as for carrots. Select only firm white parsnips. Those that are limp or yellow and dry are not fresh. Check the packed on date. Choose them small, medium, or large, but avoid those that are overly large as they sometimes have a woody core.


Parsnips are often served with a roast or casserole but they’re also tasty in stir-fries, salads, pies, soups, soufflés or cooked with potato wedges. Try strips of parsnips drizzled in olive oil and roasted with a medley of other vegetables like kumara, peppers onions.

They may be steamed, micro waved, boiled or sautéed as a side vegetable. Traditionally parsnips are boiled and mashed together with carrots. Parsnips are a favourite with home wine-makers. Parsnip cake, similar in taste and texture to carrot cake, is wonderful.

See our recipe collection for more great ideas.


When storing parsnips keep in a perforated plastic bag and place in the vegetable drawer of the refrigerator to keep fresh for 4 to 5 days (although they will store well for up to three weeks this way). The bags need to be punctured to allow adequate air circulation, otherwise there will be a condensation build up which will result in premature decay. After cooking, refrigerate only a day or two.